Hospital for Sick Children – Malaria Vaccine Research and Preclinical Development

Hospital for Sick Children
Award Date:
To support research and preclinical development for a multistage malaria vaccine.

Open Philanthropy recommended a grant of $5,684,065 over three years to the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) to support research and preclinical development for a multistage malaria vaccine.

Dr. Jean-Philippe Julien at SickKids will lead and coordinate the grant, which is a collaboration that includes the following principal investigators: Professor Simon Draper (Oxford University), Dr. Brandon Wilder (Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute, Oregon Health and Science University), Dr. Neil King (Institute for Protein Design, University of Washington), Dr. Bowen Li (University of Toronto), Dr. Nicolas Collin (Avian Influenza Research Center, University of Lausanne), Dr. Elena Levashina (Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology), and Dr. Matthijs Jore (Radboud University Medical Center).

This falls within Open Philanthropy’s focus area of global health R&D.

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