Brookings Institution — Work on India and China

Brookings Institution
Award Date:
To support the work of the Brookings Institution in India and China.

Throughout the page, “we” refers to GiveWell and Good Ventures, who work as partners on the Open Philanthropy Project.

Good Ventures awarded a grant of $100,000 to the Brookings Institution to support its work in India and China. To date, the Open Philanthropy Project’s policy-oriented work has focused on US policy because it is easier for us to understand US policy than policy in other countries, and because we believe that policy-oriented philanthropy in the U.S. offers strong opportunities for impact. However, we are also interested in eventually being able to support policy work in other countries.

In order to begin learning about policy infrastructure in both India and China, Good Ventures has decided to support the work of the Brookings Institution’s work on India and China by granting a total of $100,000 over two years ($50,000 each year). While Brookings will publish its research findings on a range of topics focused on India and China, we will also have private briefings with their scholars and expect that much of what we learn in those conversations will not be public. We hope to share reflections on what we have learned in the future.

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